
PlaneWaveBasisByUnitVector.bycomp(k0, alignment='xy', material=Material(1, 1, 0))

Create a PlaneWaveBasisByComp.

The plane wave basis is changed to a partial basis, where only two (real-valued) wave vector components are defined the third component is then inferred from the dispersion relation, which depends on the wave number and material, and a modetype that specifies the sign of the third component.

  • alignment (str, optional) – Wave vector components that are part of the partial basis. Defaults to “xy”, other permitted values are “yz” and “zx”.

  • k0 (float, optional) – Wave number. If given, it is checked that the current basis fulfils the dispersion relation.

  • material (Material or tuple) – Material definition. Defaults to vacuum/air.