Source code for baryrat

"""A Python package for barycentric rational approximation.

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import math

    import gmpy2
    import flamp
except ImportError:
    gmpy2 = None
    flamp = None
    from gmpy2 import mpfr, mpc

__version__ = '2.1.0'

def _is_mp_array(x):
    """Checks whether `x` is an ndarray containing gmpy2 extended precision numbers."""
    return (gmpy2
            and x.dtype == 'O'
            and len(x) > 0
            and (isinstance(x.flat[0], mpfr) or isinstance(x.flat[0], mpc)))

def _q(z, f, w, x):
    """Function which can compute the 'upper' or 'lower' rational function
    in a barycentric rational function.

    `x` may be a number or a column vector.
    return np.sum((f * w) / (x - z), axis=-1)

def _compute_roots(w, x, use_mp):
    # Cf.:
    # Knockaert, L. (2008). A simple and accurate algorithm for barycentric
    # rational interpolation. IEEE Signal processing letters, 15, 154-157.
    # This version requires solving only a standard eigenvalue problem, but
    # has troubles when the polynomial has leading 0 coefficients.
    if _is_mp_array(w) or _is_mp_array(x):
        use_mp = True

    if use_mp:
        assert flamp, 'flamp package is not installed'
        ak = flamp.to_mp(w)     # TODO: this always copies!
        bk = flamp.to_mp(x)
        ak /= sum(ak)
        M = np.diag(bk) - np.outer(ak, x)
        lam = flamp.eig(M, left=False, right=False)
        # remove one simple root
        lam = np.delete(lam, np.argmin(abs(lam)))
        return lam
        # the same procedure in standard double precision
        ak = w / w.sum()
        M = np.diag(x) - np.outer(ak, x)
        lam = scipy.linalg.eigvals(M)
        # remove one simple root
        lam = np.delete(lam, np.argmin(abs(lam)))
        return np.real_if_close(lam)

def _compute_roots2(z, f, w):
    # computation of roots/poles by companion matrix pair; see, e.g.:
    #   Fast Reduction of Generalized Companion Matrix Pairs for
    #   Barycentric Lagrange Interpolants,
    #   Piers W. Lawrence, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 2013
    # This version can deal with leading 0 coefficients of the polynomial, but
    # requires solving a generalized eigenvalue problem, which is currently not
    # supported in mpmath/flamp.
    B = np.eye(len(w) + 1)
    B[0,0] = 0
    E = np.block([[0, w],
                  [f[:,None], np.diag(z)]])
    evals = scipy.linalg.eigvals(E, B)
    return np.real_if_close(evals[np.isfinite(evals)])

def _mp_svd(A, full_matrices=True):
    """Convenience wrapper for high-precision SVD."""
    assert flamp, 'flamp package is not installed'
    return flamp.svd(A, full_matrices=full_matrices)

def _mp_qr(A):
    """Convenience wrapper for high-precision QR decomposition."""
    assert flamp, 'flamp package is not installed'
    return flamp.qr(A, mode='full')

def _nullspace_vector(A, use_mp=False):
    if _is_mp_array(A):
        use_mp = True

    if A.shape[0] == 0:
        # some LAPACK implementations have trouble with size 0 matrices
        result = np.zeros(A.shape[1])
        result[0] = 1.0
        if use_mp:
            assert flamp, 'flamp package is not installed'
            result = flamp.to_mp(result)
        return result

    if use_mp:
        Q, _ = _mp_qr(A.T)
        Q, _ = scipy.linalg.qr(A.T, mode='full')
    return Q[:, -1].conj()

class BarycentricRational:
    """A class representing a rational function in barycentric representation.

        z (array): the interpolation nodes
        f (array): the values at the interpolation nodes
        w (array): the weights

    The rational function has the interpolation property r(z_j) = f_j at all
    nodes where w_j != 0.
    def __init__(self, z, f, w):
        if not (len(z) == len(f) == len(w)):
            raise ValueError('arrays z, f, and w must have the same length')
        self.nodes = np.asanyarray(z)
        self.values = np.asanyarray(f)
        self.weights = np.asanyarray(w)

    def __call__(self, x):
        """Evaluate rational function at all points of `x`."""
        zj,fj,wj = self.nodes, self.values, self.weights

        xv = np.asanyarray(x).ravel()
        if len(xv) == 0:
            return np.empty(np.shape(x), dtype=xv.dtype)
        D = xv[:,None] - zj[None,:]
        # find indices where x is exactly on a node
        (node_xi, node_zi) = np.nonzero(D == 0)

        one = xv[0] * 0 + 1     # for proper dtype when using MP

        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            if len(node_xi) == 0:       # no zero divisors
                C = np.divide(one, D)
                r = * fj) /
                # set divisor to 1 to avoid division by zero
                D[node_xi, node_zi] = one
                C = np.divide(one, D)
                r = * fj) /
                # fix evaluation at nodes to corresponding fj
                # TODO: this is only correct if wj != 0
                r[node_xi] = fj[node_zi]

        if np.isscalar(x):
            return r[0]
            r.shape = np.shape(x)
            return r

    def uses_mp(self):
        """Checks whether any of the data of this rational function uses
        extended precision.
        return _is_mp_array(self.nodes) or _is_mp_array(self.values) or _is_mp_array(self.weights)

    def eval_deriv(self, x, k=1):
        """Evaluate the `k`-th derivative of this rational function at a scalar
        node `x`, or at each point of an array `x`. Only the cases `k <= 2` are
        currently implemented.

        Note that this function may incur significant numerical error if `x` is
        very close (but not exactly equal) to a node of the barycentric
        rational function.

   (C. Schneider and
            W. Werner, 1986)
        if k == 0:
            return self(x)

        # the implementation below assumes scalars, so use numpy to vectorize
        # if we got an array
        if not np.isscalar(x):
            return np.vectorize(lambda X: self.eval_deriv(X, k=k), otypes=[x.dtype])(x)

        # is x one of our nodes?
        nodeidx = np.nonzero(x == self.nodes)[0]
        if len(nodeidx) > 0:
            i = nodeidx[0]      # node index of x
            dx = self.nodes - x
            dx[i] = np.inf   # set i-th summand to 0

            if k == 1:
                # first-order divided differences
                dd = (self(self.nodes) - self(x)) / dx
            elif k == 2:
                # second-order divided differences with nodes (x, x, z_i)
                # (note that repeated nodes correspond to the first derivative)
                dd1 = (self(self.nodes) - self(x)) / dx
                dd = (dd1 - self.eval_deriv(x, k=1)) / dx
                raise NotImplementedError('derivatives higher than 2 not implemented')
            return -np.sum(dd * self.weights) / self.weights[i] * math.factorial(k)

            # x is not a node -- use divided differences
            if k == 1:
                # first-order divided differences
                dd = (self(self.nodes) - self(x)) / (self.nodes - x)
            elif k == 2:
                # second-order divided differences with nodes (x, x, z_i)
                # (note that repeated nodes correspond to the first derivative)
                dd1 = (self(self.nodes) - self(x)) / (self.nodes - x)
                dd = (dd1 - self.eval_deriv(x, k=1)) / (self.nodes - x)
                raise NotImplementedError('derivatives higher than 2 not implemented')
            return BarycentricRational(self.nodes, dd, self.weights)(x) * math.factorial(k)

    def jacobians(self, x):
        """Compute the Jacobians of `r(x)`, where `x` may be a vector of
        evaluation points, with respect to the node, value, and weight vectors.

        The evaluation points `x` may not lie on any of the barycentric nodes

            A triple of arrays with as many rows as `x` has entries and as many
            columns as the barycentric function has nodes, representing the
            Jacobians with respect to :attr:`self.nodes`, :attr:`self.values`,
            and :attr:`self.weights`, respectively.
        z, f, w = self.nodes, self.values, self.weights
        N1 = len(z)
        x_c = np.atleast_2d(x).T      # column vector
        dr_z, dr_f, dr_w = [], [], []
        qz1 = _q(z, 1, w, x_c)
        # build matrices columnwise (j = node index)
        for j in range(N1):
            f_diff = np.subtract(f[j], f)
            x_minus_zj = np.subtract(x, z[j])
            dr_z.append(_q(z, f_diff * w[j], w, x_c) / (x_minus_zj * qz1)**2)
            dr_f.append(np.divide(w[j], (x_minus_zj * qz1)))
            dr_w.append(_q(z, f_diff, w, x_c) / (x_minus_zj * qz1**2))
        return np.column_stack(dr_z), np.column_stack(dr_f), np.column_stack(dr_w)

    def order(self):
        """The order of the barycentric rational function, that is, the maximum
        degree that its numerator and denominator may have, or the number of
        interpolation nodes minus one.
        return len(self.nodes) - 1

    def poles(self, use_mp=False):
        """Return the poles of the rational function.

        If ``use_mp`` is ``True``, uses the ``flamp`` multiple precision
        package to compute the result. This option is automatically enabled if
        :meth:`uses_mp` is True.
        if use_mp or self.uses_mp():
            return _compute_roots(self.weights, self.nodes, use_mp=True)
            return _compute_roots2(self.nodes, np.ones_like(self.values), self.weights)

    def polres(self, use_mp=False):
        """Return the poles and residues of the rational function.

        If ``use_mp`` is ``True``, uses the ``flamp`` multiple precision
        package to compute the result. This option is automatically enabled if
        :meth:`uses_mp` is True.
        zj,fj,wj = self.nodes, self.values, self.weights
        m = len(wj)

        if self.uses_mp():
            use_mp = True

        # compute poles
        pol = self.poles(use_mp=use_mp)

        # compute residues via formula for simple poles of quotients of analytic functions
        C_pol = 1.0 / (pol[:,None] - zj[None,:])
        N_pol =*wj)
        Ddiff_pol = (-C_pol**2).dot(wj)
        res = N_pol / Ddiff_pol

        return pol, res

    def zeros(self, use_mp=False):
        """Return the zeros of the rational function.

        If ``use_mp`` is ``True``, uses the ``flamp`` multiple precision
        package to compute the result. This option is automatically enabled if
        :meth:`uses_mp` is True.
        if use_mp or self.uses_mp():
            return _compute_roots(self.weights*self.values, self.nodes,
            return _compute_roots2(self.nodes, self.values, self.weights)

    def gain(self):
        """The gain in a poles-zeros-gain representation of the rational function,
        or equivalently, the value at infinity.
        return np.sum(self.values * self.weights) / np.sum(self.weights)

    def reciprocal(self):
        """Return a new `BarycentricRational` which is the reciprocal of this one."""
        return BarycentricRational(
                1 / self.values,
                self.weights * self.values)

    def numerator(self):
        """Return a new :class:`BarycentricRational` which represents the numerator polynomial."""
        weights = _polynomial_weights(self.nodes)
        return BarycentricRational(self.nodes.copy(), self.values * self.weights / weights, weights)

    def denominator(self):
        """Return a new :class:`BarycentricRational` which represents the denominator polynomial."""
        weights = _polynomial_weights(self.nodes)
        return BarycentricRational(self.nodes.copy(), self.weights / weights, weights)

    def degree_numer(self, tol=1e-12):
        """Compute the true degree of the numerator polynomial.

        Uses a result from [Berrut, Mittelmann 1997].
        N = len(self.nodes) - 1
        for defect in range(N):
            if abs(np.sum(self.values * self.weights * (self.nodes ** defect))) > tol:
                return N - defect
        return 0

    def degree_denom(self, tol=1e-12):
        """Compute the true degree of the denominator polynomial.

        Uses a result from [Berrut, Mittelmann 1997].
        N = len(self.nodes) - 1
        for defect in range(N):
            if abs(np.sum(self.weights * (self.nodes ** defect))) > tol:
                return N - defect
        return 0

    def degree(self, tol=1e-12):
        """Compute the pair `(m,n)` of true degrees of the numerator and denominator."""
        return (self.degree_numer(tol=tol), self.degree_denom(tol=tol))

    def reduce_order(self):
        """Return a new :class:`BarycentricRational` which represents the same rational
        function as this one, but with minimal possible order.

        See (Ionita 2013), PhD thesis.
        # sample at intermediate nodes and compute Loewner matrix
        aux_nodes = (self.nodes[1:] + self.nodes[:-1]) / 2
        aux_v = self(aux_nodes)
        L = (aux_v[:, None] - self.values[None, :]) / (aux_nodes[:, None] - self.nodes[None, :])

        # determine the order as the rank of L (cf. (Ionita 2013))
        order = np.linalg.matrix_rank(L)
        if order == self.order:
            return BarycentricRational(self.nodes.copy(), self.values.copy(), self.weights.copy())
        n = order + 1           # number of nodes in new barycentric function
        scale = 1 if n==1 else int((len(self.nodes) - 1) / (n - 1))    # distribute new nodes over the old ones
        subset = np.arange(0, scale*n, scale)      # choose a subset of n nodes from self.nodes

        # compute Loewner matrix for new subset of nodes
        nodes = self.nodes[subset]
        values = self.values[subset]
        aux_nodes = (nodes[1:] + nodes[:-1]) / 2
        aux_v = self(aux_nodes)
        L = (aux_v[:, None] - values[None, :]) / (aux_nodes[:, None] - self.nodes[None, subset])

        # compute weight vector in nullspace
        w = _nullspace_vector(L)
        return BarycentricRational(nodes, values, w)


[docs] def aaa(Z, F, tol=1e-13, mmax=100, return_errors=False): """Compute a rational approximation of `F` over the points `Z` using the AAA algorithm. Arguments: Z (array): the sampling points of the function. Unlike for interpolation algorithms, where a small number of nodes is preferred, since the AAA algorithm chooses its support points adaptively, it is better to provide a finer mesh over the support. F: the function to be approximated; can be given as a function or as an array of function values over ``Z``. tol: the approximation tolerance mmax: the maximum number of iterations/degree of the resulting approximant return_errors: if `True`, also return the history of the errors over all iterations Returns: BarycentricRational: an object which can be called to evaluate the rational function, and can be queried for the poles, residues, and zeros of the function. For more information, see the paper | The AAA Algorithm for Rational Approximation | Yuji Nakatsukasa, Olivier Sete, and Lloyd N. Trefethen | SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 2018 40:3, A1494-A1522 | as well as the Chebfun package <>. This code is an almost direct port of the Chebfun implementation of aaa to Python. """ Z = np.asanyarray(Z).ravel() if callable(F): # allow functions to be passed F = F(Z) F = np.asanyarray(F).ravel() J = list(range(len(F))) zj = np.empty(0, dtype=Z.dtype) fj = np.empty(0, dtype=F.dtype) C = [] errors = [] reltol = tol * np.linalg.norm(F, np.inf) R = np.mean(F) * np.ones_like(F) for m in range(mmax): # find largest residual jj = np.argmax(abs(F - R)) zj = np.append(zj, (Z[jj],)) fj = np.append(fj, (F[jj],)) J.remove(jj) # Cauchy matrix containing the basis functions as columns C = 1.0 / (Z[J,None] - zj[None,:]) # Loewner matrix A = (F[J,None] - fj[None,:]) * C # compute weights as right singular vector for smallest singular value _, _, Vh = np.linalg.svd(A) wj = Vh[-1, :].conj() # approximation: numerator / denominator N = * fj) D = # update residual R = F.copy() R[J] = N / D # check for convergence errors.append(np.linalg.norm(F - R, np.inf)) if errors[-1] <= reltol: break r = BarycentricRational(zj, fj, wj) return (r, errors) if return_errors else r
def interpolate_rat(nodes, values, use_mp=False): """Compute a rational function which interpolates the given nodes/values. Args: nodes (array): the interpolation nodes; must have odd length and be passed in strictly increasing or decreasing order values (array): the values at the interpolation nodes use_mp (bool): whether to use ``gmpy2`` for extended precision. Is automatically enabled if `nodes` or `values` use ``gmpy2``. Returns: BarycentricRational: the rational interpolant. If there are `2n + 1` nodes, both the numerator and denominator have degree at most `n`. References: """ # ref: (Knockaert 2008), doi:10.1109/LSP.2007.913583 # see also: (Ionita 2013), PhD thesis, Rice U values = np.asanyarray(values) nodes = np.asanyarray(nodes) n = len(values) // 2 + 1 m = n - 1 if not len(values) == n + m or not len(nodes) == n + m: raise ValueError('number of nodes should be odd') xa, xb = nodes[0::2], nodes[1::2] va, vb = values[0::2], values[1::2] # compute the Loewner matrix B = (vb[:, None] - va[None, :]) / (xb[:, None] - xa[None, :]) # choose a weight vector in the nullspace of B weights = _nullspace_vector(B, use_mp=use_mp) return BarycentricRational(xa, va, weights) def _pseudo_equi_nodes(n, k): """Choose `k` out of `n` nodes in a quasi-equispaced way.""" if k > n: raise ValueError("k must not be larger than n") else: return np.rint(np.linspace(0.0, n-1, k)).astype(int) def _defect_matrix(x, i0, iend, f=None): powers_m = np.arange(i0, iend) W = x[None, :] ** powers_m[:, None] if f is not None: W *= f[None, :] return W def _defect_matrix_arnoldi(x, m, f=None): # Arnoldi-type orthonormalization of the defect matrix. # Based on an idea from Filip et al., 2018, p. A2431. # doi: 10.1137/17M1132409 if m == 0: return np.empty((0, len(x)), dtype=x.dtype) if f is None: f = 0 * x + 1 # has the proper dtype when using MP if f.dtype == 'O' or x.dtype == 'O': # slight hack - mpfr has no sqrt() method! norm = flamp.vector_norm else: norm = np.linalg.norm f = f / norm(f) Q = [f] for k in range(1, m): q = Q[-1] * x for j in range(len(Q)): q -= Q[j] * np.inner(q, Q[j]) q /= norm(q) Q.append(q) return np.array(Q) def interpolate_with_degree(nodes, values, deg, use_mp=False): """Compute a rational function which interpolates the given nodes/values with given degree `m` of the numerator and `n` of the denominator. Args: nodes (array): the interpolation nodes values (array): the values at the interpolation nodes deg: a pair `(m, n)` of the degrees of the interpolating rational function. The number of interpolation nodes must be `m + n + 1`. use_mp (bool): whether to use ``gmpy2`` for extended precision. Is automatically enabled if `nodes` or `values` use ``gmpy2``. Returns: BarycentricRational: the rational interpolant References: """ m, n = deg nn = m + n + 1 if len(nodes) != nn or len(values) != nn: raise ValueError('number of interpolation nodes must be m + n + 1') if n == 0: return interpolate_poly(nodes, values) elif m == n: return interpolate_rat(nodes, values, use_mp=use_mp) else: N = max(m, n) # order of barycentric rational function # split given values into primary and secondary nodes primary_indices = _pseudo_equi_nodes(nn, N + 1) secondary_indices = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(nn), primary_indices, assume_unique=True) xp, vp = nodes[primary_indices], values[primary_indices] xs, vs = nodes[secondary_indices], values[secondary_indices] # compute Loewner matrix - shape: (m + n - N) x (N + 1) L = (vs[:, None] - vp[None, :]) / (xs[:, None] - xp[None, :]) # add weight constraints for denominator and numerator degree; see (Berrut, Mittelmann 1997) # B has shape N x (N + 1) B = np.vstack(( L, _defect_matrix_arnoldi(xp, N - n), # reduce maximum denominator degree by N - n _defect_matrix_arnoldi(xp, N - m, vp) # reduce maximum numerator degree by N - m )) # choose a weight vector in the nullspace of B weights = _nullspace_vector(B, use_mp=use_mp) return BarycentricRational(xp, vp, weights) def _polynomial_weights(x): n = len(x) w = np.array([ 1.0 /[x[i] - x[j] for j in range(n) if j != i]) for i in range(n) ]) return w / np.abs(w).max() def interpolate_poly(nodes, values): """Compute the interpolating polynomial for the given nodes and values in barycentric form. """ n = len(nodes) if n != len(values): raise ValueError('input arrays should have the same length') weights = _polynomial_weights(nodes) return BarycentricRational(nodes, values, weights) def interpolate_with_poles(nodes, values, poles, use_mp=False): """Compute a rational function which interpolates the given values at the given nodes and which has the given poles. The arrays ``nodes`` and ``values`` should have length `n`, and ``poles`` should have length `n - 1`. """ # ref: (Knockaert 2008), doi:10.1109/LSP.2007.913583 n = len(nodes) if n != len(values) or n != len(poles) + 1: raise ValueError('invalid length of arrays') nodes = np.asanyarray(nodes) values = np.asanyarray(values) poles = np.asanyarray(poles) # compute Cauchy matrix C = 1.0 / (poles[:,None] - nodes[None,:]) # compute null space weights = _nullspace_vector(C, use_mp=use_mp) return BarycentricRational(nodes, values, weights) def floater_hormann(nodes, values, blending): """Compute the Floater-Hormann rational interpolant for the given nodes and values. See (Floater, Hormann 2007), DOI 10.1007/s00211-007-0093-y. The blending parameter (usually called `d` in the literature) is an integer between 0 and n (inclusive), where n+1 is the number of interpolation nodes. For functions with higher smoothness, the blending parameter may be chosen higher. For d=n, the result is the polynomial interpolant. Returns an instance of `BarycentricRational`. """ n = len(values) - 1 if n != len(nodes) - 1: raise ValueError('input arrays should have the same length') if not (0 <= blending <= n): raise ValueError('blending parameter should be between 0 and n') weights = np.zeros(n + 1) # abbreviations to match the formulas in the literature d = blending x = nodes for i in range(n + 1): Ji = range(max(0, i-d), min(i, n-d) + 1) weight = 0.0 for k in Ji: weight +=[1.0 / abs(x[i] - x[j]) for j in range(k, k+d+1) if j != i]) weights[i] = (-1.0)**(i-d) * weight return BarycentricRational(nodes, values, weights) def _piecewise_mesh(nodes, n): """Build a mesh over an interval with subintervals described by the array ``nodes``. Each subinterval has ``n`` points spaced uniformly between the two neighboring nodes. The final mesh has ``(len(nodes) - 1) * n`` points. """ #z = np.concatenate(([z0], nodes, [z1])) M = len(nodes) return np.concatenate(tuple( np.linspace(nodes[i], nodes[i+1], n, endpoint=(i==M-2)) for i in range(M - 1))) def local_maxima_bisect(g, nodes, num_iter=10): L, R = nodes[1:-2], nodes[2:-1] # compute 3 x m array of endpoints and midpoints z = np.vstack((L, (L + R) / 2, R)) values = g(z[1]) m = z.shape[1] for k in range(num_iter): # compute quarter points q = np.vstack(((z[0] + z[1]) / 2, (z[1] + z[2])/ 2)) qval = g(q) # move triple of points to be centered on the maximum for j in range(m): maxk = np.argmax([qval[0,j], values[j], qval[1,j]]) if maxk == 0: z[1,j], z[2,j] = q[0,j], z[1,j] values[j] = qval[0,j] elif maxk == 1: z[0,j], z[2,j] = q[0,j], q[1,j] else: z[0,j], z[1,j] = z[1,j], q[1,j] values[j] = qval[1,j] # find maximum per column (usually the midpoint) #maxidx = values.argmax(axis=0) # select abscissae and values at maxima #Z, gZ = z[maxidx, np.arange(m)], values[np.arange(m)] Z, gZ = np.empty(m+2), np.empty(m+2) Z[1:-1] = z[1, :] gZ[1:-1] = values # treat the boundary intervals specially since usually the maximum is at the boundary Z[0], gZ[0] = _boundary_search(g, nodes[0], nodes[1], num_iter=3) Z[-1], gZ[-1] = _boundary_search(g, nodes[-2], nodes[-1], num_iter=3) return Z, gZ def local_maxima_golden(g, nodes, num_iter): # vectorized version of golden section search golden_mean = (3.0 - np.sqrt(5.0)) / 2 # 0.381966... L, R = nodes[1:-2], nodes[2:-1] # skip boundary intervals (treated below) # compute 3 x m array of endpoints and midpoints z = np.vstack((L, L + (R-L)*golden_mean, R)) m = z.shape[1] all_m = np.arange(m) gB = g(z[1]) for k in range(num_iter): # z[1] = midpoints mids = (z[0] + z[2]) / 2 # compute new nodes according to golden section farther_idx = (z[1] <= mids).astype(int) * 2 # either 0 or 2 X = z[1] + golden_mean * (z[farther_idx, all_m] - z[1]) gX = g(X) for j in range(m): x = X[j] gx = gX[j] b = z[1,j] if gx > gB[j]: if x > b: z[0,j] = z[1,j] else: z[2,j] = z[1,j] z[1,j] = x gB[j] = gx else: if x < b: z[0,j] = x else: z[2,j] = x # prepare output arrays Z, gZ = np.empty(m+2, dtype=z.dtype), np.empty(m+2, dtype=gB.dtype) Z[1:-1] = z[1, :] gZ[1:-1] = gB # treat the boundary intervals specially since usually the maximum is at the boundary # (no bracket available!) Z[0], gZ[0] = _boundary_search(g, nodes[0], nodes[1], num_iter=3) Z[-1], gZ[-1] = _boundary_search(g, nodes[-2], nodes[-1], num_iter=3) return Z, gZ def _boundary_search(g, a, c, num_iter): X = [a, c] Xvals = [g(a), g(c)] max_side = 0 if (Xvals[0] >= Xvals[1]) else 1 other_side = 1 - max_side for k in range(num_iter): xm = (X[0] + X[1]) / 2 gm = g(xm) if gm < Xvals[max_side]: # no new maximum found; shrink interval and iterate X[other_side] = xm Xvals[other_side] = gm else: # found a bracket for the minimum return _golden_search(g, X[0], X[1], num_iter=num_iter-k) return X[max_side], Xvals[max_side] def _golden_search(g, a, c, num_iter=20): golden_mean = 0.5 * (3.0 - np.sqrt(5.0)) b = (a + c) / 2 gb = g(b) ga, gc = g(a), g(c) if not (gb >= ga and gb >= gc): # not bracketed - maximum may be at the boundary return _boundary_search(g, a, c, num_iter) for k in range(num_iter): mid = (a + c) / 2 if b > mid: x = b + golden_mean * (a - b) else: x = b + golden_mean * (c - b) gx = g(x) if gx > gb: # found a larger point, use it as center if x > b: a = b else: c = b b = x gb = gx else: # point is smaller, use it as boundary if x < b: a = x else: c = x return b, gb def local_maxima_sample(g, nodes, N): Z = _piecewise_mesh(nodes, N).reshape((-1, N)) vals = g(Z) maxk = vals.argmax(axis=1) nn = np.arange(Z.shape[0]) return Z[nn, maxk], vals[nn, maxk] def chebyshev_nodes(num_nodes, interval=(-1.0, 1.0)): """Compute `num_nodes` Chebyshev nodes of the first kind in the given interval.""" # compute nodes in (-1, 1) nodes = (1 - np.cos((2*np.arange(1, num_nodes + 1) - 1) / (2*num_nodes) * np.pi)) # rescale to desired interval a, b = interval return nodes * ((b - a) / 2) + a def brasil(f, interval, deg, tol=1e-4, maxiter=1000, max_step_size=0.1, step_factor=0.1, npi=-30, init_steps=100, info=False): """Best Rational Approximation by Successive Interval Length adjustment. Computes best rational or polynomial approximations in the maximum norm by the BRASIL algorithm (see reference below). References: Arguments: f: the scalar function to be approximated. Must be able to operate on arrays of arguments. interval: the bounds `(a, b)` of the approximation interval deg: the degree of the numerator `m` and denominator `n` of the rational approximation; either an integer (`m=n`) or a pair `(m, n)`. If `n = 0`, a polynomial best approximation is computed. tol: the maximum allowed deviation from equioscillation maxiter: the maximum number of iterations max_step_size: the maximum allowed step size step_factor: factor for adaptive step size choice npi: points per interval for error calculation. If `npi < 0`, golden section search with `-npi` iterations is used instead of sampling. For high-accuracy results, `npi=-30` is typically a good choice. init_steps: how many steps of the initialization iteration to run info: whether to return an additional object with details Returns: BarycentricRational: the computed rational approximation. If `info` is True, instead returns a pair containing the approximation and an object with additional information (see below). The `info` object returned along with the approximation if `info=True` has the following members: * **converged** (bool): whether the method converged to the desired tolerance **tol** * **error** (float): the maximum error of the approximation * **deviation** (float): the relative error between the smallest and the largest equioscillation peak. The convergence criterion is **deviation** <= **tol**. * **nodes** (array): the abscissae of the interpolation nodes (2*deg + 1) * **iterations** (int): the number of iterations used, including the initialization phase * **errors** (array): the history of the maximum error over all iterations * **deviations** (array): the history of the deviation over all iterations * **stepsizes** (array): the history of the adaptive step size over all iterations Additional information about the resulting rational function, such as poles, residues and zeroes, can be queried from the :class:`BarycentricRational` object itself. Note: This function supports ``gmpy2`` for extended precision. To enable this, specify the interval `(a, b)` as `mpfr` numbers, e.g., ``interval=(mpfr(0), mpfr(1))``. Also make sure that the function `f` consumes and outputs arrays of `mpfr` numbers; the Numpy function :func:`numpy.vectorize` may help with this. """ a, b = interval assert a < b, 'Invalid interval' if np.isscalar(deg): m = n = deg else: if len(deg) != 2: raise TypeError("'deg' must be an integer or pair of integers") m, n = deg nn = m + n + 1 # number of interpolation nodes errors = [] stepsize = np.nan # start with Chebyshev nodes nodes = chebyshev_nodes(nn, (a, b)) # choose proper interpolation routine if n == 0: interp = interpolate_poly elif m == n: interp = interpolate_rat else: interp = lambda x,f: interpolate_with_degree(x, f, (m, n)) for k in range(init_steps + maxiter): r = interp(nodes, f(nodes)) # determine local maxima per interval all_nodes = np.concatenate(([a], nodes, [b])) errfun = lambda x: abs(f(x) - r(x)) if npi > 0: local_max_x, local_max = local_maxima_sample(errfun, all_nodes, npi) else: local_max_x, local_max = local_maxima_golden(errfun, all_nodes, num_iter=-npi) max_err = local_max.max() deviation = max_err / local_max.min() - 1 errors.append((max_err, deviation, stepsize)) converged = deviation <= tol if converged or k == init_steps + maxiter - 1: # convergence or maxiter reached -- return result if not converged: print('warning: BRASIL did not converge; dev={0:.3}, err={1:.3}'.format(deviation, max_err)) else: # Until now, we have only equilibrated the absolute errors. # Check equioscillation property for the signed errors to make # sure we actually found the best approximation. signed_errors = f(local_max_x) - r(local_max_x) # normalize them so that they are all 1 in case of equioscillation signed_errors /= (-1)**np.arange(len(signed_errors)) * np.sign(signed_errors[0]) * max_err equi_err = abs(1.0 - signed_errors).max() if equi_err > tol: print('warning: equioscillation property not satisfied, deviation={0:.3}'.format(equi_err)) if info: from collections import namedtuple Info = namedtuple('Info', 'converged error deviation nodes iterations ' + 'errors deviations stepsizes') errors = np.array(errors) return r, Info( converged, max_err, deviation, nodes, k, errors[:,0], errors[:,1], errors[:,2], ) else: return r if k < init_steps: # PHASE 1: # move an interpolation node to the point of largest error max_intv_i = local_max.argmax() max_err_x = local_max_x[max_intv_i] # we can't move a node to the boundary, so check for that case # and move slightly inwards if max_err_x == a: max_err_x = (3 * a + nodes[0]) / 4 elif max_err_x == b: max_err_x = (nodes[-1] + 3 * b) / 4 # find the node to move (neighboring the interval with smallest error) min_k = local_max.argmin() if min_k == 0: min_j = 0 elif min_k == nn: min_j = nn - 1 else: # of the two nodes on this interval, choose the farther one if abs(max_err_x - nodes[min_k-1]) < abs(max_err_x - nodes[min_k]): min_j = min_k else: min_j = min_k - 1 # move the node and re-sort the array nodes[min_j] = max_err_x nodes.sort() else: # PHASE 2: # global interval size adjustment intv_lengths = np.diff(all_nodes) mean_err = np.mean(local_max) max_dev = abs(local_max - mean_err).max() normalized_dev = (local_max - mean_err) / max_dev stepsize = min(max_step_size, step_factor * max_dev / mean_err) scaling = (1.0 - stepsize)**normalized_dev intv_lengths *= scaling # rescale so that they add up to b-a again intv_lengths *= (b - a) / intv_lengths.sum() nodes = np.cumsum(intv_lengths)[:-1] + a